We had a good time on the 4th. We went out to my dads. He had smoked a pig for my brothers grad party so we had leftover pig. OMG were the ribs good. We even got to bring some home plus he still has some left at home. E did really good considering it rained from about 3-7. She really liked the smoke bombs and the parachutes. I even let her hold her own sparklers.
She did really good I was so proud of her. I didn't take hardley any pics cause of the rain so that was a bummer. But here is out loot before we left out house.
The highlight of the evening was D's new catch.
My dads neighbor had to go get his bathroom scale to weigh it 45lbs. I know how much you all love his fish pictures so I will just put on one more
All in all we had a good time. NOw to find something fun and cool to do this weekend, its supposed to be 95 here all weekend. Maybe we should go to the lake.
EEEEWEEWWWWWWWWWW. Court that si so foul. Catfishes like that jsut gross me out. ugh. shiver.
On teh other hand Emma looks so cute. Josie also heald a sparlker for the first time. And we bought prety much the same 'loot' as you guys. Go figure. ;)
WOW that is one really big fish. Oh how I have missed you too. I was thinking about you the other day and how we haven't talked in awhile. I am glad you had a good time on the 4th. xoxo
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