After we finished up there we did a little shopping for the mommas and then went to lunch at a resturant that has a rainforest theme. The girls were starving. Okay maybe it was just my girl, she is always starving. After lunch we did some more damage to the bank accounts. Then the girls wanted to ride the merry go round.
It was a fun day. I got a couple new outfits to wear on my next vacation to Texas. E got a couple new outfits and some new flip flops. Then we came home. She was tuckered out.
Good times with good friends.
Very cute and dang, she's so big now (sniff sniff).
Awww. i love that she passed out. how stinking cute is that??? I wanna go there and have my make up done and dress like a fairy.
nudge nudge wink wink, it's time for a blog.
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