I have been sick. The lingering kind of sick that is not too bad but never wants to leave. It decided it really liked my head. I can't imagine why but whatever just leave already sickness. I feel like that commercial for that mucus stuff that has all the mucus hanging out inside the people. TMI probably but after three weeks of this shit I really don't care.
Anyways I have been busy while sick I just haven't blogged about it so I have to catch up now. Over the weekend D and I went out. Shocking I know. But we went bowling with some of the people he plays softball with. It was fun. Bowling is the only thing I can beat him at. Or should I say used to be able to beat him at. I don't know if he has been holding out on me the last ten years or secretly has been taking lessons after work but he beat me all three games. Oh well I guess he really is better then me at everything.
Here are some of the people we went with

And one of me after a gutter ball

After bowling we decided to go out since it was still pretty early so we went to a bar and grill. And who happened to be there but my mom and her work friends and one of my aunt and uncles and one of my cousins. While we were there one of the people we were with spilled his drink all over me. It was funny.
Here is a picture of my mom and my favorite aunt. You can tell where the eyes closing came from.

One of the three of us

Oh no bad picture here is take two

Finally about midnight D decided he had enough and we went home. I was pretty impressed since he doesn't ever stay out that late especially at a bar. Oh and someone paid for our ticket, the waitress wouldn't tell us who so that was pretty sweet.

Here is D ready to go.
Oh well it was a fun night and we don't go out like that hardly ever so I was happy.