Top Five Reasons to take your kids to the bar with you
5. It's a great place for photo ops
4. The swivel chairs can keep them busy for an hour
3. The cute kids score all kinds of free drinks
2. They can drive you home later
1. They can be scarred for life by the crazy drunk guy who pops his fake eye out and then puts it back in.
PS, it was really a bar and grill. And D drove home. But she did score a free drink. And the crazy drunk guy well we will see how bad the damage is when she goes to my eye doctor appt with me in two weeks.
PPS, Can you see her boots with the fur??? She loves them and wants to wear them every single day. She can't understand why she only gets to wear them with skinny jeans. Gosh I thought I brought her up better than that :)
ROFL. Oh that's too funny. It totally looks like she has a shot glass in front of her. I love the boots, too. Glad she didn't have to drive you home. ;)
I know it probably is a shot glass, funny thing was I didn't notice it in the picture cause it is from my cell phone, then when I downloaded it poof it was there.
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