Friday, December 19, 2008

Fun with Friends

A few pictures from the last time I went out with the girls. I was still sick and didn't have much fun but I am a trooper and stayed till like 10.

Ms Mustachio

Me and Desi

Kim, Sarah and Jacquie

Me and Sarah

Em and Jacquie

I haven't been out since, however I get to go out on Saturday night with my hubs and another couple. Should be fun since D is always the DD I will be able to get my drink on and you know Sarah and I will have the cameras. Now I just have to decide what to wear.

Winter clothes suck ass. I mean how are you supposed to look sexy in something that covers your entire body. Plus I hate wearing socks. I don't know why but I just do. Maybe my toes are claustrophobic. I have been wearing my boots to work with no socks then switching to my heels. Really socks suck ass too.

Anyways I hope ya'll have a great weekend!


Stephanie said...

OMg I am so with you on the socks. I mean really. LOL on getting your drink on with D as the DD.

Stephanie said...

Oh and not just wearing them. washing them, matching them, folding them, and putting the damn things away when you have a dozen freaking feet in your house.......oh man. can't wait for summer sandial waeather.