I thought this meme was interesting. At the very least you may learn something you didn't know before about people. So all ya'll should do it too.
A is for Age - 32. Seems perfect not too old, even though I found my first gray hair recently, but not too young. Even though some people think I am older, which is so not a nice thing to say to a woman.
B is for my burger of choice - Ranch flavored with cheddar cheese, lettuce, tomato, onion, and mayo but hold the bun please.
C is for car I drive - 2006 Envoy, its an okay car. It will be better when I don't have to make the monthly payment on it. It fits all of the family in it at least.
D is for dog's name - Jack, even though technically its not my dog, I still have to pay for its food.
E is for essential item used every day - Concealer, I put it on every day to hide the horrible dark circles I acquired when I became a mom.
F is for favorite TV show at the moment - Well the only one i am watching right now is D*esperate H0usewives. I wouldn't say its my favorite ever but I haven't found a really great one lately.
G is for favorite game - Oh I love to play games so this one is hard for me. I love scattergories. On the electronic gaming I would have to say that guitar hero is my favorite.
H is for home state - Kansas, the sunflower state.
I is for instruments you play - Right now nothing but that one time in band camp, LOL. I used to play the flute, oboe and piccolo
J is for favorite juice - I love me some cranberry juice. It's my all time fav plus its good for you bladder. Bonus!
K is for whose bum you'd like to kick - Hmmm right now nobody but give me a couple hours, PMS is on the way.
L is for last resteraunt you ate at - Would have to applebees last Friday. It was okay. Not one of my fav's but E loves it.
M is for favorite muppet - Does cookie monster count? I love me the old school cookie monster who ate cookies all of the time, not the new school one who only eats cookies as a sometimes treat.
N is for number of piercings - let me count, two in one ear and four in the other ear so I guess that makes six. I should have went for the belly ring way back in the day.
O is for overnight hospital stays - Just one on a Monday through Saturday for the birth of my daughter. Hopefully never again.
P is for people you were with today - The day is not over yet so D and E this morning, then the teachers and kids at E's school and then the people at my work. Tonight I will be with a bunch of girlfriends at a concert.
Q is for what you do in your quiet time - Read and maybe watch what I want on TV, play around on the computer. Nothing real exciting.
R is for biggest regret - honestly I don't have one. Everything I have done in my life has made me who I am today. Never regret something that once made you smile!
S is for status - Working or I guess I should be working right now.
T is for time you woke up today - 4:00 this morning, D was going hunting today and that's what time the alarm started going off even though we both didn't get out of bed until 6.
U is for what you consider unique about yourself - I'm pretty ordinary so I guess I will take the easy route and say my fingerprints.
V is for vegetable you love - Hands down broccoli, which I have definately passed on to my daughter. She gets it with her kids meals whenever we go out to eat.
W is for worst habit - I am a horrible pack rat and procrastinator as we can all tell since I am supposed to be working right now.
X is for x-rays you've had - Hmmm besides all of the dental ones I guess the only other time would be the sonograms.
Y is for yummy food you ate today - Leftover bacon from dinner last night and ranch flavored sunflower seeds.
Z is for zodiac - Gemini
Okay its everyone else's turn.