Well someone tagged me to blog about 8 things about me that are weird to get me blogging again. I know I suck at blogging. My excuse is that I am fanatically working to get a bunch of stuff done so I can take a couple days off.
So on to the weirdness I guess.
1. I don't like to touch wooden things, like wooden spoons, Popsicle sticks, corn dog sticks. I don't know why but it gives me the creeps. I can however touch pieces of wood like you build things with so whatever.
2. I love to eat mayo on things. Like hot dogs and french fries. Sadly I have stopped doing this because it really makes you fat.
3. I have an awful pet peeve that borders on obsessive about pants that are too short. I can not stand it when people wear pants that are too short.
4. I have psoriasis on the bottom on my left foot. It is the only place that I have it. And it ITCHES. really bad!!! Sometimes itching it is almost orgasmic.
5. When I buy something that has different things that go with it I must buy everything that goes with it. Like the dollhouse I bought E for xmas last year. I HAD to buy all of the rooms that went with it. D was pissed she got so much for xmas.
6. My new favorite halloween decoration is a screeching black cat that I bought at Walmart. It is a stuffed cat with a painted red mouth that is hideous but I love it even though it freaks everyone else in my house out.
7. I am a packrat. I know this is not weird but the other day I was cleaning out my hall closet and found a bag that had my wisdom teeth in it. Gross why did I keep them, and why did I put them back in after I was done cleaning.
8. I hate it when people scrape their teeth on the utensil when it leaves their mouth. That gives me the chills.
Okay not horribly weird but still. I had a hard time coming up with all of them.