Monday, September 18, 2006


You Are a Strawberry Margarita

You're so sweet it's a little overwhelming, and people are a little afraid of corrupting you...
It's a little difficult to imagine you with a margarita. And you're truly a different person after you've kicked back a couple!

Friday, September 15, 2006

Baby Blues

Well another week has gone by. They seem to go so slow but also so fast. Why do you think that is? D going to school three nights a week definitely makes the evenings seem slow. E and I have been going out every Wed night while he is gone. It is a lot of fun we go somewhere different each week, sometimes with other people and sometimes by ourselves.

This week we went out with a girlfriend of mine and her two kids. E had a blast being around the other kiddos. So much in fact that when I picked her up last night she cried because she wanted to go back and play with them some more. This just solidifies the fact that I really think she needs a sibling.

I hate, I mean hate the fact that she will be an only probably. I know she has a half brother but he doesn't live with us and they are so far apart in age. D is coming around to the idea of another. Which would be good news but the bad news is that we can't afford to have another right now. For one our house is not big enough. For two daycare is way too much money, I would be spending over 300 a week, yes you read that right, a WEEK on daycare for the two of them, Uh hello why even bother working. Oh yes I need to work to help pay the bills, but how can I pay bills when I have to spend that much on daycare. Well I guess that means we can't have another baby right now.

And that really sucks!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

I Suck

Okay so I really suck at keeping up with this blog. Sigh. Sometimes I just feel like I really don't have much to say.

Last night E and I went out to eat together. It was nice she was really well behaved and we had fun. We went to the new dinosaur resturant she has been dying to go to. We only had to wait 15 minutes to get in so that was a plus.

At first she was in awe of everything then she started to get scared. There are huge animated dinosaurs everywhere and it is very loud. I was just hoping that she didn't have any bad dreams from it.

In other news potty training has started in our house. She started going poop in the potty over the weekend and hasn't looked back. The only thing stopping me from putting her in panties is the fact that she will still pee occasionally and the bad mommy that I am, I don't want to deal with the mess. We put up a chart and she get gummy bears every time she goes. Gosh what she will do for the gummy's.

This coming weekend D has a softball tournament on Saturday I need to decide if E and I will be going or not. I want to in a way but don't want to in another way. I am just kind of blah this week I guess.