Friday, October 13, 2006

Friday quiz fun


Your Porn Star Name Is...

Tight Cherry

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Moving on

D and I have been tossing around the idea of moving for awhile. Our house is just getting to be too small for us. Plus if you ever decide to add to our family we wouldn't have room in our current house. Don't get me wrong our house is really not that small, I think we just have a lot of junk.

D wants to move far away from everything else. Me on the other hand doesn't really want to be that far away. I check online at least once a week to see what kind of listings they have. D would like at least 5 acres. Not a whole lot in our price range for sure.

So we have decided that we will try to find some land and then build our own house. Yikes that is really scary. D is very knowlegeable about the whole house building thing and will be able to do 80% of the work himself. I on the other hand know nothing. Which is okay cause I just get in his way anyways but one of us need to know about the financial side of things. I guess that would be my job.

I have found several parcels of land this week that are very reasonably priced. Some have been too far away but I found one that may work. We shall go look tonight. Wish us well, it is very scary.

Monday, October 09, 2006

My perfect costume

How funny is this

Your Haloween Costume Should Be

A Martini

Thursday, October 05, 2006

And we're off

Not to the races but to the holiday season. I love the holidays, all of them really. I love all of the excitement that comes with them and the decorating and the magical feelings that come along with the holidays. D does not share my enthusiasm. Oh well I just remind him that its for the kids not him. Mr Ba Humbug.

With Halloween quickly approaching I am thinking more and more about the holidays. We even tried to grow our own pumpkins this year. We got a few of them but we will still have to go out and buy some to carve. OH well it was fun. I have even had my house decorated for the past three weeks. E is going to be a cowgirl, I have found her almost everything for her costume. D and I will actually be going to a party this year so I need to come up with costumes for us. C says he is too big to dress up and trick or treat. I just rolled my eyes at him. I have dressed up almost every year.

After Halloween comes Thanksgiving, who doesn't love all of that food. I love food and I love to be around family. I don't get to see my family very often so it is really nice to get together. Plus the Chiefs are playing the Broncos on Thanksgiving this year so that will be a very good day. My favorite thing about Thanksgiving is the day after though. For the past probably twelve years one of my Aunt's and I go shopping. It is a tradition now. We get up way before the sun comes up and go stand in line at whatever store has the best deal and we spend all day out shopping. All day. Its really great.

Then comes Christmas. I love Christmas. I love the memories of it I have from growing up and I can't wait to have my kids feel the same way as me. I always go overboard at Christmas time. I really do start out with good intentions to curb the spending but I just can't help it. I love giving presents. I have to find the perfect present for each person. I have already finished up half of my Christmas shopping. Only because I have some birthdays throw in the mix and that gets expensive.

Oh holidays here they come and I am so excited for them.